When I was a teenage, girls start learning to use makeup and skincare products. Whenever a girl begins to do makeup, she knows that at that moment she grows up and matures. We start to be very careful about our skin and looks. We consume makeup and skincare product as we are aging, and the older we get the more skincare we spend on. This process inspired me. I want to create an experimental clock just for female like me who pay a lot of attention on skin product. The time of consuming cosmetic products can be one aspect that represents the lifestyle of females in the 21st Century.
Begining with brainstorming for this project, I collected three ideas from my daily life. The first one is inspired by the flower I got from an exhibition. I throught using the patels as the pointers of a clock would be insteresting. The second one is inspired by meetings I participated encountered the time difference all over the world. I throught I could create a few different tracks of time for people from different zone, sometimes they intersecting and sometimes they seperating. The last one is inspired by my fast consuming of cosmetic products. Although I like the other two too, I love the last one idea about cosmetics product because it represents many girls today, and I like to do something meaningful as a female. Therefore, I started to develop this sketch by first writing out the logic in P5JS Editor. As usual, I draw out the outline of all objects at the first stage. Then I determined the variable which are the millis, seconds, and the hight of the fill in cosmetic products. I added another section with shapes that are changing and calculated where should the variables are and how much they change. In my final design, I used millis and seconds as the facters of changing color and height. As time goes, the cosmetic products will be consuming and turning red as a sign of running out.
I think I should definitely refine this design after getting more proficient with the techniques. I wished to create a button to refill, but I got very confused after I trying to add functions like mousePressed() and redraw(). To become more clear with my coding goal, I should learn to be concise and logical with codes. Another reflection of this assignment is that I had the chance to think about time conceptually by asking myslef what does time mean for me. While people born in different years and die in their different ages. Thus, this clock should be private and unique. it is important to count for my own time of things I aiming for in my whole life and its relationship with the global standard time.