Project #2 Form Generator --- BUBBLES

Move Your Mouse and Click!

Design Process

I got inspired while I was watching people drinking beer in a movie. Thinking this motion can be insterested, I drew down sketches with a beer cup filling with beer and bubbles on top. The minimun form would be the empty cup, and the maximun form would be cup filling up with beer and bubbles. Moving to the P5 sketch, I first drew out the minimum form which is the empty and still cup. Then I figured out the variables, which are the amount of beer in the cup, the size of the bubbles, and the color of the bubbles. The beer liquid amount and size of bubbles are varied based on the position of the mouse(mouseX and mouseY). The color of bubbles is controlled by mousePress. I wrote my logic out on the coding panel and drew the basic shape out. When I was drawing the basic shapes, I am also thinking about where should I put my variables and in what way and amount should they change. The amount of beer would increase but limited inside the cup broundary, while mouseX and mouse Y increase. The bubbles will increase their size, move their position, while mouseX mouseY increase. Also, the color of bubbles would randomly change by clicking the mouse.


The changing forms I have chosen are circles and rectenglar shapes. Since I am familiar with these basic shapes' relationship with X and Y exis, I can easily figure out where I should put the defined variables. For example, I want my bubbles become bigger while mouse moving to the lower right corner, and I would add my variables to the radius of the circles. Only I struggled for changing bubbles' colors. Since I want to show different colors, I tested several times with the random range of RGB values. I think the whole process went well, becuase I drew the basic shape first and understand where should all the variabes insert to.